openHAB as a central IoT control unit
As middleware i use openHAB. It works as a central smarthome control unit and is used to connect IoT systems from different manufacturers.
In short, it serves to control all different bus systems (KNX, radio, USB, serial, network etc) via “bindings” and to make their events available in a generalized way. Meanwhile, more than 1000 “Things” are supported here. Complex control scenarios can even be mapped using a rule engine. Besides the openHAbB own syntax, rules can be written in Groovy, Python and Javascript. Furthermore, data can be recorded, logged and graphically processed. The whole is visualized either via a web interface or via Android / iOS apps. In addition, there is also a REST API to the system.
From a technical side, it is a system written as a java OSGI based system. Recently it has been accepted as an eclipse projekt. In my eyes it is by far the cleanest and most promising system.
A demo setup can be tried or downloaded using my deployment project.Alternatively, the configuration files and openHAB rules are also available at the following url.
Additionally there are the following sub-topics: